spent the day yesterday with my friend kenny, one of the sweetest people i know. kenny is a good friend and makes me laugh, we always end up talking about how difficult it can be to stay true to yourself in this town, and how rewarding it is when you do. i met him at his office in santa monica on ocean avenue, overlooking the water, and we went to get shiatsu massage at the tao healing arts center on main street, and then lunch at my favorite..mani's on main and oceanpark.
i helped to open a peet's coffee on that block in 1998 and used to be there every day, going back and forth between manhattan beach, santa monica and beverly hills. it was interesting to be back in the neighborhood. that job was the reason i moved to los angeles, it was my career and i was only supposed to be here for one year to open stores and do coffee tastings/culinary classes, marketing and trainings all over LA, then i was going to move back to oakland. sitting at mani's, where i used to have lunch every day 6 years ago, i was reflecting on how many changes my life has gone through since then and how things never turn out how you think.
lilly was the woman at the tao center who worked on me, she was very soft spoken and said had been working there for 12 years. i had been struggling all morning in my head with some frustration with events of the previous evening and it was nice to just relax and have someone "move my chi around". i am so grateful for the women in my life, like rocio and juli, women who try to bring 150% effort to the table. i am trying today to be grateful for people who are reliable and DO more of their share, rather than being angry and disappointed at those who DON"T. it is all a learning experience and hopefully the lessons can be more of the educational variety, rather than the painful one.
it is a choice.