I'm back..back in the cyberspace saddle again.
It's been almost a year.
I needed a break, a retreat into privacy, silence and self care..
Where to begin?
Today is the most beautiful day I could have imagined.
I awoke to a sunny blue sky, so I put on my all stars and walked out the door, cut through Sycamore park, over the 110 fwy bridge and up the hill to Debs Park.
Sometimes I can get caught up in minutia, and the best way to get a fresh perspective is to literally get a "big picture" view. I sat on the hill above Highland Park overlooking Downtown LA and thought about how much I love my life.
I reflected on each person I could think of. The ones I love, the ones I play music with, the ones I call my friends and even the ones who have challenged me and given me opportunities to learn to take better care of myself and keep growing. I thought of all the things I have done, all that has happened and all the things that are in front of me still to do and I got very excited.
It's overwhelming, this life.
Coming down off the hill I ran over to our quarterly board meeting for Smartgals. New and exciting things to come from us in 2009 and if you are reading this you shall be kept in the loop. By the time I got home the sun was hiding behind the clouds and I am home with tea and slippers. I have my music spread all over and I am practicing as I write this..getting ready for the Bessie show and finally learning to play bass after wanting to for 10 years.
On another note, was listening to the Los Angeles Master Chorale the other day and wondering about that part of my musical life as well, it has been asleep for a while to focus on other things. I may find myself a small practice room to start vocalizing daily again.
I have never stopped wanting to do it all.
My full time lovers, the Evangenitals are gearing up rehearsals for recording a new album and life just keeps getting better and better, if I let it.
It's been almost a year.
I needed a break, a retreat into privacy, silence and self care..
Where to begin?
Today is the most beautiful day I could have imagined.
I awoke to a sunny blue sky, so I put on my all stars and walked out the door, cut through Sycamore park, over the 110 fwy bridge and up the hill to Debs Park.
Sometimes I can get caught up in minutia, and the best way to get a fresh perspective is to literally get a "big picture" view. I sat on the hill above Highland Park overlooking Downtown LA and thought about how much I love my life.
I reflected on each person I could think of. The ones I love, the ones I play music with, the ones I call my friends and even the ones who have challenged me and given me opportunities to learn to take better care of myself and keep growing. I thought of all the things I have done, all that has happened and all the things that are in front of me still to do and I got very excited.
It's overwhelming, this life.
Coming down off the hill I ran over to our quarterly board meeting for Smartgals. New and exciting things to come from us in 2009 and if you are reading this you shall be kept in the loop. By the time I got home the sun was hiding behind the clouds and I am home with tea and slippers. I have my music spread all over and I am practicing as I write this..getting ready for the Bessie show and finally learning to play bass after wanting to for 10 years.
On another note, was listening to the Los Angeles Master Chorale the other day and wondering about that part of my musical life as well, it has been asleep for a while to focus on other things. I may find myself a small practice room to start vocalizing daily again.
I have never stopped wanting to do it all.
My full time lovers, the Evangenitals are gearing up rehearsals for recording a new album and life just keeps getting better and better, if I let it.
At 5:02 PM,
juli said…
YAY! I'm so glad you're back in the blogosphere again! I love your simple, delicate, honest, fearless, tender, direct, deep and oh-so-friggin-sweet entries. They make me happy. You make me happy. You are awesome. :-)
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