zen traffic.
I started a new job,
it's been about 4 months actually.
I am enjoying the work, the people, the routine, the creativity, the $$, the meetings, the travel, and strangely enough I have found that I don't even seem to mind the traffic.
It takes 45-50 minutes to get to work in the morning, and 1 to 1 1/2 hours to get home..I just got home.
That is on top of actually working a 9 or 10 hour day.
(I have been equally happy working part-time, close to home and walking..
but that is another story, this one is about traffic)
Last night I was on the phone (in traffic) with a friend in Oakland laughing about how much I appreciate the opportunity to see my city at a much slower pace. How I get to see the lights of downtown in a way that I may miss if I were passing it along at a faster clip. How I like the opportunity to sit still and practice patience, sing to myself, catch up on phone calls (headset!) and just BE THERE.
I have yet to wish I were somewhere else when I'm in it, I seem to have accepted (for now) that it is part of the day and as valuable as any other part of my day.
I looked up possible options; bus, train, bike..but for now this seems to be it.
I have come up with some great thoughts, meditations, ideas, and just plain silence during these times..My car stereo was stolen years ago when Juli and I were on a lunch break at work (elsewhere) and I never bothered to replace it.
I appreciate the quiet time.
For someone who has spent most of her life always wishing she were "somewhere else" I consider this great progress and I am grateful for it.
**the Evangenitals had our 1st strategic planning meeting for 2009 Q1 last night..
I am deeply in love, and there is more to come..
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