Lisa Dee's Knees

from the mouth of a babe comes the good news...

Monday, July 19, 2004

I sent my friend Chio this e-mail today.. we were discussing our current "craziness"

...I have recently decided I am going to make a conscious effort to stop referring to myself as "crazy" I realize that I do it a lot, it is an old idea about myself..a way to disregard my intuition and my emotions. Just because I change and grow and feeeel doesn't make me crazy. It makes me human. Even when the feeling is confused and constantly changing. We are organic beings and we feeeeel. It's part of living and it's not "crazy".
I think we need to go through all of these things to find out who we are. To get into relationships, make friends, date, dance, talk, watch, listen. Get into the mix, join the game, fall down, skin our knees, make messes.
How do we find out what we DO and DON'T want if we don't first TRY?

Let's make beautiful music. Give it to the world. Open up our hearts. Give them an experience. Help them feeeel. Love them until they weep. Heal them. Heal us. That is where we can be of maximum service to them all.


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